Sunday, April 28, 2013

Is Zumba effective????

Wondering if Zumba is just fun or if it really gives your body a good workout????
Check out this site.....
LOVE IT!!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

create your own community

 The thing I love the most about Zumba is the friendships that are made just by going to class.  By dancing, working hard, and having fun together it bonds you close to one another in such a unique way!  I love how each class my students get more comfortable and let go a little more each time.  I have my own little community through Zumba and it gets me through the week, and gives me something to look forward to each time I go!

Ever heard.... "Zumba isn't for me!"????

I have heard people say that Zumba isn't for them.  I have heard people say "No, I don't want people watching me dance, I would just want to stay in the back."  I have heard "I don't like having mirrors in the class."  I have even heard "Guys can't do Zumba, it is just for girls."  To all of these I say... "HA!"  You don't have to be a good dancer (or even coordinated), or worry that people are watching you (they are all watching the instructor), and you don't have to be a girl!  My best and favorite student is this guy Jeff.... and he has become one of my best friends!  He has gotten so good at Zumba and can pick up choreography SO fast!  Anyone can do Zumba!  Just keep at it!

Will it get easier???

I had a few people ask me last night how long it would take them to get better at dancing in Zumba class.  Let me put it this way.... I am not a dancer.  I have no background in dancing.  I started going to a Zumba class over 2 years ago and I felt the same way when I started.  My first class I felt a little out of place.  I continued to go twice a week to the same instructor and each class got easier and easier for me.  Just keep coming and I promise it will get easier!  You will learn my choreography and begin to understand the way the body moves in a Zumba class.  Every time you come you will improve!  Now I go to advanced classes and I can pick up a step the first time I see it!  IT WILL GET EASIER and that is when it gets really fun!  You will begin to look like you are in your very own dance video!


Exercise and especially Zumba is GREAT for the brain in more ways than one.  Ever leave a class feeling the weight of the world off your shoulders?  Feel happier and less moody?  This is one of the #1 reasons I do Zumba..... it makes me feel great!  Check out this site one how exercise is good for your memory and mood.

Train for 5K, 10K, half marathon

Zumba can be so beneficial in all aspects of your life.  If you want to train for a race here is so motivation on how Zumba can help get you there!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New songs Playlist

Good Feeling -DJ party rock
Footloose- Kenny Loggins
Hella Decale- Zumba Fitness
Oye-- Mara
Boogie Shoes- KC and the Sunshine Band
Glad You Came- The Wanted
Clap Your Hands-- Zumba
Chelo cha cha- Zumba
Jump in the Line- Harry Belafonte
Funk da Prisioneira-- Zumba
Sexy Movimiento- Zumba
Grupo N Klabe- Zumba
Do you Dig it- Zumba

More to come....